
Kex 켁스. Philippines.
Art freak. College freshman.
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return of the queen
Sunday, January 27, 2013 | 0 comments
So it took me a year and two weeks to get back on Blogger, how awesome is that?

Psh. Don't tell me, I know it's not awesome.

So far, however, the entire year was pretty awesome. From the point where I stopped last year, I had graduated high school, got into a top university, went out of the country, and, for the very first time, lived away from my siblings. I've been used to living away from my parents since I was 5, so I guess being away from them now isn't something unusual for me. However, I've been with my siblings since they were born, so not being with them for a long period time took a lot of getting used to.

I guess the highlight of the year 2012 for me was our trip to South Korea.

Those wore the absolute best 15 days of my entire existence, and I shall never forget it.

Ah, what else do we need catching up on my 2012? Oh, my first cover group! 

Earlier in 2012, my friends and I had planned on joining a T-Ara cover group based in Manila, but the performance was in July, and by that time I would already be in Iloilo. So all four of us quit at the same time (also for the reason that we disliked one member of the cover group).

Last December, I was part of an After School cover group called After Shock, and this February, we will be performing in a mall in Iloilo City for the Iloilo Kpop Organization Showcase.

Well, I guess that's it. That's really all you need to know about my year. So far, 2013 has been treating me extremely well (you'll have no idea) and I hope this keeps up!

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